Are Skin Tags Dangerous?

Are Skin Tags Dangerous?

Skin tags are those little bits of skin that form on areas of your body that are prone to friction, such as your neck, underarms, and face. The tags are common, and most people will have at least one in their lifetime.

If you have skin tags, board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, offers in-office services at Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics to safely remove them. Here, Dr. Bushore offers insight into skin tags and whether they’re something you need to worry about.

Why you have skin tags

Skin tags are benign (noncancerous) growths that appear as a bulb of skin on top of a stalk. While anyone can get a skin tag, the growths are more common in middle-aged men and women.

The reason skin tags grow isn’t clear, but they may form when thick pieces of skin trap excess clusters of collagen and blood vessels. This can occur because of friction in the folds of your skin or because of genetic factors that increase your risk for skin tags.

Other factors that can increase your chances of developing skin tags include:

For some people, skin tags may be a warning sign of increased insulin resistance, atherosclerosis (hardened arteries), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or cardiovascular disease.

When skin tags become problematic

Generally, skin tags aren’t dangerous to your health and don’t need to be removed.

However, board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, may recommend skin tag removal if you have skin tags that bleed or get caught on your clothing or jewelry. You may also need to remove skin tags if they continue to grow larger, have multiple colors, or are persistently irritated.

Many people choose to have skin tags removed if the tags make them feel self-conscious.

If you have any issues with skin tags, schedule a consultation at Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics. We offer comprehensive skin evaluations to confirm the growth is a skin tag and determine if it needs to be removed.

Options for removing skin tags

While there are a number of on-the-shelf products available in stores to remove skin tags, many aren’t effective. Some can even be harmful to your skin.

To safely remove skin tags, board-certified dermatologist David A. Bushore, MD, offers several same-day procedures in a comfortable office environment. He can even provide a local anesthetic to ensure your procedure is easy to tolerate.

Removal options include the following:


Depending on the location and size of your skin tag, Dr. Bushore may use scissors to cut off the skin tag. 


We may also opt to use cryosurgery to remove the skin growth. This procedure uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the tag and destroy its structure, so it will eventually fall off.


In some cases, burning the tag off your skin with electrocautery is the best option to completely remove the excess skin.

After your procedure, you can go home without any limitations. You may have some irritation in the treatment area, which should resolve on its own within a few days. We can also recommend skin care resources to protect your skin after treatment and give you tips for reducing your risk for additional skin tags.

To schedule a diagnostic evaluation for skin tag removal, call 512-459-4869 or book an appointment online with Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics today.

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