Revanesse Specialist

Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics

Dermatologist & Cosmetic Dermatologist located in Austin, TX

If you experience lost facial volume, fine lines, wrinkles, or other signs of aging, simple treatment options are available at Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics in Austin, Texas. David A. Bushore, MD, and his experienced cosmetic dermatology team offer Revanesse® Versa™ hyaluronic acid fillers to diminish signs of aging and give you a boost of confidence. Schedule an appointment with Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics over the phone or online to learn more.

Revanesse Versa Q & A

What is Revanesse Versa?

Revanesse Versa is a dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid, which is a substance that’s naturally-occurring in your body. Revanesse Versa fillers are safe and effective for all skin types and are approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

What are the benefits of Revanesse Versa?

Revanesse Versa hyaluronic acid fillers can offer you numerous aesthetic benefits, such as:

  • Reduced fine lines and facial wrinkles
  • Improved facial symmetry
  • More volume in sunken in areas of your face
  • Plumped up lips
  • Diminished vertical lip lines
  • Smoother chin creases
  • Improved facial contours
  • Smoother, younger-looking skin

Revanesse Versa and other dermal fillers are noninvasive and lack the downtime associated with plastic surgery.

Am I a good candidate for Revanesse Versa?

Dr. Bushore and his team let you know if you’re a good candidate for Revanesse Versa after reviewing your medical history, examining your skin, and discussing your expected outcome. They may recommend a series of dermal filler treatments, or Revanesse Versa combined with Botox® injections, to help you achieve the most desirable results.

What should I expect during Revanesse Versa procedures?

Just before the injections, Dr. Bushore can apply a topical anesthetic to your face to numb the treatment area and make the injections feel comfortable. He inserts a needle into strategic areas to add volume to your face and reduce wrinkles. The injections are fast, often taking just minutes to complete, which makes Revanesse an excellent lunchtime procedure.

What happens after treatment?

After treatment, you may experience redness or swelling at the injection site. Side effects soon subside, but you can apply ice to the area if you’d like to reduce swelling. Because there’s no downtime associated with Revanesse Versa, you can may resume your normal daily activities immediately after the procedure.

When should I schedule repeat injections?

Results from Revanesse Versa vary from person to person, but your injectables may last six to 18 months or longer. After that, periodic maintenance injections can help you achieve long-lasting results. 

Don’t live with lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, or other signs of aging when Revanesse Versa hyaluronic acid fillers offer a simple, painless solution. Schedule an appointment with Balcones Dermatology & Aesthetics over the phone or online to restore your youthful appearance.